An important key to successful roulette is the knowledge on how to handle winnings. This has been one of the many culprits that brought down players to financial disaster. Playing roulette is not all about winning money. Although money plays a great deal of motivation among players, the desire to win more has been the […]
Taxation of Gambling Winnings
Do you enjoy gambling? Many people find it enjoyable and relaxing to go to a casino and spend time at the slots or tables. A big problem we see as accountants is that most people don’t understand how the winnings affect their tax return. Here are a couple of examples. About 25 years ago a […]
Claiming Gambling Losses on Your Tax Return
If you make any winnings in the gambling, you need to report the full amount of the winnings for the year on line 21 on Form 1040. You can deduct the losses you make from gambling for the year, on line 28 of form 1040 on Schedule A. However, you cannot deduct the losses from […]